Photo Album for 2015

December 2015 Gold Star Families Holiday Dinner at Soldier Field.

December 2015 Gold Star Families Holiday Dinner at Soldier Field.

Dec 2015 This year the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation hosted a tree lighting ceremony.
Officers from 014 gather for a picture after a late-night gun call 26 NOV 2015
Officers from 014 gather for a picture after a late-night gun call 26 NOV 2015 at Wabansia and Western. Second from left, you'll see Joe Ahern, Chairman and CEO of the 100 Club of Chicago, who joined Chaplain/PO Bob Montelongo and Fr. Dan Brandt that weekly night out on the street.

On 23 NOV 2015, the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation hosted a THANK YOU luncheon for all its volunteers. May we all align with their goal to NEVER FORGET.
On May 19, 1975, Officer Cali (star #3271, a 31-year-old, two year CPD veteran assigned to (013)
 was issuing a parking ticket in front of the Henry Horner Homes on the 2100 block of West Lake Street.
James Clark, 17, aimed his .22 caliber rifle from a third-floor apartment and shot Officer Cali.
Clark’s nephew testified that moments after the shooting James Clark confessed to shooting the officer.
According to additional reports, Clark bragged about the murder. Officer Cali was rushed to Cook County Hospital where he died the next day.

Police recovered the rifle hidden inside of Clark’s couch. Cowardly James Clark was soon forgotten, but Officer Joseph Cali will NEVER be forgotten.

In this picture you'll see Joe's family assembled under the pole-mounted sign, holding an extra sign that they can display in their home.
Special thanks are owed Alderman Anthony Napolitano (41st Ward) and retired PO Jim Kehoe for helping to make this dedication possible.

  On Saturday, 14 NOV, a large crowd gathered at the corner of Oxford and Devon  to dedicate the 6400 block of North Oxford as Honorary Patrolman Joseph P. Cali Way. Mother Nature provided a perfect day for this most worthy tribute.

Own a piece of history: Here is the finished product of our hand-made 2' x 3' Chicago flag,  produced in the garage of CPD Chaplain Fr. Dan Brandt's brother, Bill.

Above are pictures of the work in progress. Making these flags is--as you see--quite labor intensive,
with CPD officers helping in the process to honor those who have gone before us. As Bill Brandt says, "It's a labor of love."

Fr. Dan Brandt's thumb print is on the back of each flag, as are hooks to hang it. Recommended for indoor use.

Proceeds from the sale of these flags will support our ministry to Gold Star Families: the 574 families here in Chicago who have lost a loved one in the line of duty. 

On 16 OCT 2015, a huge group surprised Jim Mullen at a restaurant in Niles
 on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of his having been shot in the line of duty.
Once again, the police family showed one of its own that their sacrifice is NEVER FORGOTTEN.
God bless Jim and all of our catastrophically-injured officers.

Thanks to the hundreds of 100 Club supporters who flocked to our annual "Funniest Cop" competition at The Laugh Factory comedy club on 22 SEP 2015. It was a wonderful evening for a great cause. 

We filled the rooftop of Murphy's Bleachers for the Billy Joel concert on Thursday, 27 AUG 2015.
Mother Nature provided a beautiful night, Billy Joel provided great music, and over 100 friends provided generous support for Police Chaplains Ministry. 

PO Gia DiVito, Judge Vince Gaughn, and "The Most Interesting Man In The World," among many others,
support Police Chaplains Ministry at our 11 AUG 2015 happy hour at O'Brien's in Old Town.
Thanks to all our supporters, especially Peter O'Brien, proprietor and great friend to the police.

On Sunday, 02 AUG 2015, Resurrection Parish hosted a Blue Mass after which a statue

of St. Michael the Archangel was dedicated. Next time you're near Francisco and Nelson in 014,
 stop by and say a prayer for the 572 Chicago Police Officers whom this statue honors.
Click >>HERE<< for Chicago Sun-Times coverage of the Mass and statue dedication.
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AUG 2015: Retired PO Rory Trausch proudly dons his Police Chaplains Ministry t-shirt  at his new home, overlooking a mountain in Hawaii. Aloha, Rory!

15 JUL 2015, Chaplain Bob Montelongo and Fr. Dan Brandt stop in for first watch roll call in Englewood,
 joining Lt. Mike Murphy and PO Alicja Bochenek.  GWB!

On 09 JUL 2015, the Shomrim Society held its annual banquet, celebrating  the rich Jewishheritage shared by many in law enforcement.  A great time was had by all in attendance, representing various faith backgrounds.

On 14 JUL 2015, Police Officer Mark Davis receives the Officer of the Month Award from the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation. This award is in recognition of his selfless  life-saving act following a fiery highway truck crash last year. Officer Davis risked his own life  to save the trapped and injured truck driver.
Click >>
HERE<< to see the news coverage of the accident.

A new monument is installed outside Resurrection Catholic Church, honoring St. Michael the Archangel--patron of police.
Visit the shrine outside the 130-year-old church at the corner of Nelson and Francisco (just west of California and north of Diversey in Logan Square / Avondale).

On 02 JUL 2015 at 1:30 a.m., we honored PO Richard Francis #5276 at Belmont and Western,  the spot where seven years prior, at the same time, he was murdered in the line of duty. May Officer Francis and all our beloved officers who died in the line of duty rest in peace.

On Sunday, 21 JUN 2015, hundreds of worshipers attended the 10th annual Fathers' Day Mass at Gold Star Memorial and Park. Click below for media coverage of the event.

June 2015 Police Chaplains Ministry hosted the Gold Star Families on our annual luncheon cruise aboard the Spirit of Chicago

Chaplain Bob Montelongo and Fr. Dan Brandt surround John, CPD ret., who works at Los Comales Mexican Restaurant...3141 W. 26th Street in Little Village (010th district). Stop in and see them for some FANTASTIC Mexican fare.
This is a police-friendly restaurant, and is very supportive of Police Chaplains Ministry.

Chaplain Kimberly Lewis-Davis officiates over the wedding of PO Katina Watkins (Unit 606) and Arthur Lloyd, Jr., on 30 MAY 15 at the Excalibur Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas.
Several other CPD members joined Chaplain Lewis-Davis in congratulating the happy couple on celebrating their nuptials.

On Sunday, 17 MAY 2015, the Chicago Gearheads hosted their annual Vintage Car Show and Blessing at Bunker Hill Woods Forest Preserve. About forty old-time cars in mint condition were displayed by their proud owners and blessed individually, after a group prayer service, by Rabbi Moshe Wolf and Fr. Dan Brandt, CPD Chaplains. Mother Nature accommodated us, ending a night of rain about 15 minutes before the event began!

A memorial Mass was celebrated at Mary, Seat of Wisdom Catholic Church in Park Ridge on Tuesday, 19 MAY 2015, to mark the 40th anniversary of the line-of-duty murder of PO Joseph Cali. Officer Cali's family, many friends and active and retired Chicago Police Officers were in attendance. May he rest in peace.
On Monday, 18 MAY 2015, Rabbi Moshe Wolf joined the Upper Room Club.
On Monday, 18 MAY 2015, Rabbi Moshe Wolf joined the Upper Room Club.
On Monday, 18 MAY 2015, Rabbi Moshe Wolf joined the Upper Room Club, a group that meets monthly to discuss our faith. Thank you to Rudy Malnati, owner of Pizano's (our host) for his generous hospitality!

A street memorial / prayer service was held at 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 13 MAY, 2015, at Palmer and Nordica in 025, the exact time and place where 25 years earlier Officers Gregory Hauser and Raymond Kilroy were murdered in the performance of their duties.

The annual St. Jude Police League March took place Sunday, 03 MAY 2015, under perfect weather conditions.
 Thousands of officers marched at Gold Star Families Memorial and Park, flanked by many thousand well-wishers.

Chicago Police Officer Thien Chaiket, a US Army Reservist deployed to Afghanistan, requested our help
 gathering stuffed animals for his team to distribute at a children’s hospital under their watch.
I put the word out to some of our PO’s and—not surprisingly—got an incredible response.
We collected and sent hundreds and hundreds of stuffed animals, a number far exceeding their expectations.

Special thanks to PO Amelia Kessem, PO Veronica Ramirez, and many in 011 who made this endeavor
a huge success, returning smiles to the faces of countless sick children.
God bless these kids and protect our troops!

On 01 APR 2015, the Chaplains Section blessed the new fleet of motorcycles used by CPD's Traffic Section.
May God keep our motorcycle officers safe in their important work!

Wowing millions of revelers along the route, our Irish-American Police Association
 (AKA the Emerald Society) led the annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, Ireland, on 17 MAR 2015.

Ad Multos Annos…
Happy 50th birthday to Sgt. Andres Zayas (123)!
Joining him on 07 MAR 2015 to celebrate this milestone are
Alecia Digby (123), Samantha Webb (166), and Reyna Sansone (123).

Every February, the Sergeants' Association annual corned beef and cabbage dinner kicks off the St. Patrick's Day season. Here, several members relax and enjoy an evening of good company and delicious food.
Prayer/memorial service for our beloved police on 01 JAN 2015
Prayer/memorial service for our beloved police on 01 JAN 2015
Prayer/memorial service for our beloved police on 01 JAN 2015
Prayer/memorial service for our beloved police on 01 JAN 2015
Police Chaplains Ministry hosted a prayer/memorial service for our beloved police on
01 JAN 2015. May this new year bring with it newfound respect for law and order,
officers who preserve this gift, and TRUTH!

On every major Chicago television and radio station, coverage of our
prayer/memorial service was seen and heard. Click HERE for just one news outlet's coverage:   
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