Information for Other Agencies

Chicago's Police Chaplains Ministry has been serving the active and retired men and women of the Chicago Police Department for many decades. We pride ourselves on the service we provide, which has been noticed by many other agencies around the country.
We have helped several agencies via consultation and visitation, including:
Alaska State Patrol
Cicero, Illinois
Dane County (Madison), Wisconsin
Hendersonville, Alabama
Miami-Dade, Florida
New Orleans, Louisiana
Park Ridge, Illinois
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Placko, Nevada
Warner, Montana
Washington, DC
Yakima, Washington
If we can be of ANY assistance/consultation to your agency in setting up or formalizing a chaplain services program, please do not hesitate to contact us. All of our resources are available to you, free of charge. The material on our website is copyrighted, and you are welcome to borrow anything you find here. All we ask is that you let us know what was helpful to you so we might continue to assist other jurisdictions in reminding their officers/deputies that they are doing God's work!