Police Chaplains Photo Album 2025

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18 MAR 2025: Chicago Police Officer Phillip Dunigan received a handmade quilt from Quilts for Cops, presented by Chaplain Hysni Selenica. On 09 Mar 2025: Officer Dunigan move out of the way of a drunk driver going right at him. The vehicle then turned towards Officer Dunigan's direction and all he could do from being runover is to jump on the hood of the car. He suffered a broken ankle when he flew off from the offender's vehicle.
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15 MAR 2025: Quilts for Cops - Chicago chapter getting together on National Quilting Day, during their monthly gathering in the 016th District. We want to thank all the quilters from Quilts for Cops on the love and dedication you put into these comfort quilts for our injured police officers.
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13 MAR 2025: Chicago Police Officer Oscar Solis received a handmade quilt by Quilts for Cops, presented by Chaplain Kimberly Lewis-Davis. On 21 Feb 2025: Officer Solis was trying to place an offender into custody from a carjacking that occurred. Officer Solis suffered a break to his hand after having to perform an emergency takedown during this struggle.
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05 MAR 2025: Chicago Police Chaplains and St. Jude Chaplains fanned out throughout the city to administer blessed ashes to thousands of CPD members in the districts, areas, specialized units and other civic locations. The highlight of our year, this is a wonderful opportunity to visit with so many of our brothers and sisters in a very positive setting. We pray all will enjoy a fruitful and holy Lenten season.
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21 FEB 2025: Chicago Police Officer Efrain Chavez received a handmade quilt presented by Chaplains Rabbi Moshe Wolf, Father Dan Brandt and Hysni Selenica on behalf of Quilts for Cops. On 26 Oct 2024: Officer Chavez and his partners were injured as they responded to a disturbance at a gang funeral, as an enormous fight broke out.
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30 JAN 2025: Chicago Police Officer Stephanie Jimenez received a handmade quilt from Quilts for Cops. The quilt was presented by Chaplain Joseph Jackson, Chaplain Hysni Selenica accompanied by her teammate Officer Crystal Moreno. On 01 Nov 2024: Officer Jimenez and her partner Officer Alverez were responding to a call with their emergency equipment activated. A vehicle driving at a high rate of speed struck the police vehicle as they were going through the intersection at 2000 E 75th Street. 
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29 JAN 2025: Chicago Police Officer Ricardo Rivera received a handmade quilt from Quilts for Cops. The quilt was presented by Sgt. Erik Ruhnke, who also received a quilt in the past from suffering a stab wound. On 11 Nov 2024: While on patrol, Officer Rivera on viewed a person being stabbed several times. Officer Rivera was stabbed by the offender as he took action to save the victim.  
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29 JAN 2025: Chicago Police Officer Antonio Witfield received a handmade quilt presented by Chaplain Hysni Selenica on behalf of Quilts for Cops. On 26 Oct 2024: Officer Witfield and his partners were injured as they responded to a disturbance at a gang funeral, as an enormous fight broke out.
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28 JAN 2025: Chicago Police Officer Patricia Alvarez received a handmade quilt from Quilts for Cops. The quilt was presented by Chaplain Robert Montelongo and Chaplain Hysni Selenica. On 01 Nov 2024: Officer Alvarez and her partner Officer Jimenez were responding to a call with their emergency equipment activated. A vehicle driving at a high rate of speed struck the police vehicle as they were going through the intersection at 2000 E 75th Street.
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22 JAN 2025: St. Jude wake service chaplains were treated to a very nice dinner at Tufano's, joined by all the CPD Chaplains AND several of our exempt members.

Thank you to our St. Jude Chaplains who volunteer to lead prayers at over 500 services each year.
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17 JAN 2025: Chicago Police Officer Fenysha Fields and Officer Brian Smith each received a handmade quilt from Quilts for Cops. The quilts were presented by Deputy Chief Migdalia Bulnes and accompanied by Chaplain Kimberly Lewis-Davis, Chaplain Hysni Selenica, Deacon Rafael Yenez, Officer Nora Garza and Officer Raven Hoskins. Officer Hopskins had received a quilt from Quilts for Cops in the past from a gunshot wound.

06 Nov 2024: Officer Fields and Officer Smith were enroute to a call, with emergency equipment activated, when a vehicle ran a stop sign and struck the police vehicle causing them to run off the roadway and strike a tree. Officer Fields suffered a broken eye socket and hand. Officer Smith suffered neck and shoulder injuries due to the impact of the crash.
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